Sunday, May 10, 2009

I'm back...

...and couldn't believe that so many days had just disappeared, since I last posted. The gardens have been taking up a lot of time. I don't do as much work in the Autumn putting them to bed, because I generally leave as much as possible, seed etc. for the birds and small mammals to feed on. But, that means a lot of clean up in the Spring. I also leave a lot of leaves for mulch. The leaves need to be raked and deposited into compost bins, and I try to have it done before the black flies emerge. For some reason Black Flies find me a "banquet". My husband is seldom bothered by them and a dear friend who helps me garden isn't bothered by them either. I wear a "bug shirt" and straw hat and gloves but, occasionally they find a spot and chew.
The Rose Breasted Grosbeak male and female have returned and also the male Ruby Throated Hummingbirds. Still haven't seen the Baltimore orioles, but they should be here soon. They always appear when the Ornamental Crab Apple blooms.
I was going to post last night but, we got a major storm and loss power for 11 hours. No power, No computer. Thank you for your caring comments.


Wanda..... said...

...and I'm glad you're back...along with our mutual friends the Rose-breasted Groesbeaks...We have two sets of them at our feeders...they and the Cardinals have quick little spats sometimes...nothing serious though...I leave coreopsis and coneflowers standing for winter seeds too...Spring always brings lots of cleanup with it here also!
Hope you had a nice weekend...Take care!

Deerfriend said...

Wanda, I left a comment on your Blog, just hope you received it. Just in case, I loved taking a walk with you and your family. The grape vine reminded me of an old fashioned sleigh.
Your gardens are very lovely and the Poppies and Iris are magnificent. Mine will not be blooming for several weeks. Aren't the "Spring Birds" wonderful. It is so joyful to have them back.
And congratulation on your award from Riverdaze. Bouquets and Kudos from me too:)

Bernie said...

Welcome back, do you have your gardens already planted? I love reading about your flowers and the stories you share with me about the birds that visit you. I hope you won't stay away again, we missed you.
I know about black flies, although with me it's mosquitoes. No hiding anywhere from them, people invite me outside with them just to keep these little pest away from them as they know they always come to me. Have a great day...:-) Bernie

Deerfriend said...

Thank you, Bernie
Yes, my gardens are perennials. I found this to be the most cost effective. Most of the plants are up and growing bigger every day. The rain this past week has them growing like "weeds". They cost a little more to begin with, but they come up every year. Although I do plant a few annuals in containers on the balcony. Especially, herbs like Basil and Rosemary, in addition to some field greens and one or two kinds of tomatoes for my husband.
I missed You and Wanda and always enjoy your posts and thoughtfulness.

Wanda..... said...

Thank you for your very kind reply to my comment...I love the spring birds...every time I go in the woods the Wood Thrush which seems to sing all the right there...seems to follow...Take care and enjoy spring.

The Deerly Beloved

The Deerly Beloved
Garden Flowers-Yum!!!