Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The month of May... my very favorite month. I want to be outside every possible minute. The sounds, sights and smells are all so fresh and wonderful. Baltimore orioles, Scarlet Tanagers, Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds and Warblers have all returned. The meadow and wood are a cacophony of bird melodies. The gardens seem to be growing so quickly that, the growth can be heard. The sweet smells of flowering trees, woodland treasures and gardens fill each breathe I take.
Discovery everywhere...each morning some new leaf or bud...eggs in the nest in the blue bird house...peepers and other frogs, a chorus nightly...insects...bee buzzing in and around each garden, shrub and tree...butterflies, dragonflies, moths.
I recall the words in a song from the Musical Carousel. "April cried and stepped aside and along came pretty little May. May was full of promises but, she didn't keep them quick enough for some". Well, she keeps them quick enough for me. And she always keeps her promises.


Bernie said...

I too love being outside and enjoy the newness of everything after a long winter. Unfortunately it's still cool here but I know it won't be long before the nice weather arrives.
I hope you get outside often and enjoy all the things you described on your blog, have a wonderful day
......:-) Bernie

Wanda..... said...

Joan you express exactly how I feel so well...I love the trees in May with their sparse leaf coverage and the dappled sunshine it creates with the different shades of green...and of course all the songbirds...Enjoyed your post as always!

The Deerly Beloved

The Deerly Beloved
Garden Flowers-Yum!!!