Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Trilliums are blooming... the woods. These amazing flowers are now decorating our woods and are such a welcomed sight. We are fortunate to have three different species in our woods, Trillium grandiflorum (White Trillium), Trillium erectum (Red Trillium aka Wake Robin) and Trillium undulatum (Painted Trillium). I have been told that thousands of Trillium used to grow in the woods near our house and when they bloomed the woods looked like they had floral carpets. However their beauty seemed to be the cause of their demise. People couldn't just look, they wanted to take them home and enjoy them too. But, when the Trillium are picked, the leaves and bloom which are all on one stem, leave nothing behind to create a new plant for the next Spring. So, once picked, the plant is gone forever. The floral carpets no longer exist in the Spring.We are so fortunate that the few we have on our property still exist.


Deerfriend said...

Thank you for your comment Wanda, on Saturday. I haven't done a post in several days. Our Granddaughters (3 amazing teenagers)were here for 8 days, and when they took the train home, I was very melancholy and didn't even think about blogging. Warm weather, Spring flowers and Gratitude has me posting again.
I always appreciate and look forward to your visits, via comments. Bouquets of Spring Flowers to YOU.

Bernie said...

I am not sure who I admire more, you or Wanda. How do you know the names of all these flowers? Very impressive.
Sorry you miss your granddaughters, it shows what a wonderful grandmother you are. I hope you get to see them again real soon.
Have a wonderful day....:-) Hugs

Wanda..... said...

You were missed...I know how one can enjoy grandchildren...I've been late in posting too...We have mostly White Trilliums...but some pink tinged too...I love your close up photo of the 'white'...I'm looking forward to the Fire Pinks...soon to bloom here also.

Robin said...

I saw this photo on your facebook and clicked to the link - one word - GORGEOUS! And why? Because trillium are my absolute favorite flower. I remember when we first moved in here, Derek (5 years at the time) came in with a bouquet of them behind his back (how cute). Then someone shared with me that they are protected - oh well, now we know. I've heard, too, that trillium do not grow so well the next year if you pick them. True?

Bernie said...

You haven't posted in awhile so I thought I would pop over and say hello. Hope all is well and that you have a wonderful day...:-) Hugs

Wanda..... said...

Good morning...I too just dropped by to say hello and hoping all is well with you. Take care.

The Deerly Beloved

The Deerly Beloved
Garden Flowers-Yum!!!