Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Just beneath the snow...

...lies a favorite, early Spring flower. Caltha palustris, Marsh Marigold or Cowslips will be emerging soon. For years, using camera and lens within my budget, I tried to photograph this Spring harbinger. Either the petals (actually the sepals) were in focus or the pistils were in focus, but never at the same time. It was truly frustrating. When I purchased my first digital camera, even before I had read the directions, I learned that I would be able to take the photos that I had desired. I photographed a deer, through the kitchen window, and when I looked at the photo on the screen, I saw that not only was the deer in focus, but also a crystal hanging from a monofilament in the window, was in focus. Both the foreground and background in focus! Now I had to wait five months to see if I could actually photograph Caltha palustris the way I desired. Caltha say cheese...


Wanda..... said...

I think of you as a very wise and knowledgeable person...you intrigue me...feel there is much to learn from you and your experiences...always look forward to your posts...Also, Thank You for your comment...it was truly appreciated by me.

Deerfriend said...

Thank you Wanda, I am sure that if we lived closer, we could walk together, photograph together and learn much from each other.
Your graciousness and talents show in each and every post.

The Deerly Beloved

The Deerly Beloved
Garden Flowers-Yum!!!