Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Lots of Activitity...

The yard is so animated this time of year. The birds that have eaten at the feeder this past winter are still using them. In addition to tube feeders filled with black oil sunflower seeds, there are suet feeders, an unsalted peanut feeder, and a heated bird bath. Having a source of water, that doesn't freeze is a bonus for both the birds and small animals. The red, gray, and black squirrels use the bath during the day and flying squirrels and raccoons use it at night. When the chipmunks come out of hibernation they will use it as well. Robins, Red Wing Black Birds, Crows, Ravens and Turkeys are in the yard too. More tomorrow about the Turkeys.

1 comment:

Wanda..... said...

I found your blog by chance...your photo of the board fence and two large trees startled me...could be mistaken for a spot in our yard...identical for the most part...we too have lots of wild life to enjoy. I love the deer...but suddenly after 20 years they've started dining on my plants, am trying to discourage them...so far "Liquid Fence" seems to be working...at least for now!

The Deerly Beloved

The Deerly Beloved
Garden Flowers-Yum!!!