Friday, March 27, 2009

Foliage, Foliage, Foliage...

...when I was a young gardener, it was all about color. Color and Blossoms... reds poppies, blue iris, yellow daffodil, purple lupines, and orange anything. Green was pleasing, in any shade or tint, and it still is. But, all too soon that long awaited bloom is gone. As a more mature gardener, I look for plants that will give eye appeal throughout it growing time. Hostas, Brunnera, and Epimedium are among my favorite perennials today. I remember when you could count the number of Hosta species on two hands, but today there are more than 40,000. The magnificent Sum and Substance to miniature species, with a multitude of sizes in between. Species in a many leaf types and shapes from wavy, marginata, variegated, two-toned, and blue green, yellow green, etc. Use of a deer repellent is a must, in my area for these plants to survive the season.
Brunnera is a plant that the deer do not eat, and there are now many species. My favorite Brunnera is 'Jack Frost'. It's large leaves appear to be covered with frost, and it "forget-me-not" like flowers start out pink and turn blue. Epimediums also are available in many sizes, from the standard to alpine. It's tiny flowers (many color varieties) look like tiny daffodils. The leaves also are available in many hues.

1 comment:

Wanda..... said...

Your favorite Hosta species Brunnera 'Jack Frost' may well become my favorite. I only have 3 species of Hostas in my garden...which the deer started munching on last year for the first time in 15 years...they also like my lillies and autumn joy...we have resorted to using beautiful grasses favorite so far is the 'morning light'...Thank you for mentioning a species of Hosta the deer can live without.

The Deerly Beloved

The Deerly Beloved
Garden Flowers-Yum!!!