Monday, February 23, 2009

Deer In My Gardens?

After many years of shouting, chasing and cursing (#@*stinky varmints) at deer in my gardens, I have now learned to live with them. You name it and I've tried it. Soap on a rope, human hair in net containers, urine (both animal and human), rotten egg mixture with red pepper, water sprays on a timer, moth balls, and herbs of all kinds in soapy mixtures, are some of the items tried. I have read any and everything about discouraging deer, I have taken courses on discouraging deer, I have chased after them with blaring fog horns ( my neighbors loved that one). But, now I have learned to live with them, and I shall share with you just how this has been accomplished.
I live in a rural area and have seven acres of land, one acre is lawn and flower gardens. Two acres are wooded, and four acres are meadow. The meadow is filled with milkweed and all kinds of wonderful wildflowers. As many as nine deer sleep in the meadow, from Spring until Winter. In the Winter they usually bed down under the pines.
That's enough for today, more tomorrow

1 comment:

josh said...

i alway look forward to seeing deer in your yard in the summer love you gram

love your grandson josh

The Deerly Beloved

The Deerly Beloved
Garden Flowers-Yum!!!