Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial weekend flew...

...by so quickly. Lots of work, lots of play and tender, yet sad memories.
We lost a courageous young soldier, who was a member of our parish, a few weeks ago. Blaise lost his life in Iran, fighting for ideals which he strongly believed in, and will greatly missed by all members of our community.
It was also a weekend to remember those community members and family members who fought and died or fought and lived, for freedoms we all enjoy.

It was a weekend to go to "The Sand Plains in Rome, New York" to photograph the wild blue Lupine. The sand plains are, one of a few inland Pine barrens, left in the Northeast. The threatened frosted elfin butterfly which feeds on the Lupine can also be found there.

We also had time to go kayaking in the Mountains, another one of my passions. My husband and I have been kayaking for many years. We each have an Old Town Loon kayak. My husband's kayak is 17'5" and weighs about 60 pounds. Mine is 11' 1" and weighs about 35 pounds. The one thing we enjoy most about kayaking is we play on the same team but, different positions. My husband enjoys exploring while kayaking and I prefer to photograph and spend lots of time in one area. However, we always start and end our journey together.


Deerfriend said...

Wanda, I am so disappointed, I hope that you get the comments which I leave on your blog, but for some reason I don't see them.
I truly enjoy sharing your day, through your magnificent photos and wonderful memories. Your gardens look so lovely and we share many of the same beautiful flowers and layout of our gardens.
Thank you for the terrific fawn photos, I have never seen one so small. I don't usually see them until they come to feed in the yard, which is about a month or more after their birth.
Have a wonderful day of gardening and photography:)warm fuzzies...

Garnetrose said...

the pics are great. Looks like you had a great time.

Bernie said...

It is sad to lose someone we love and respect but by honoring him was a wonderful thing to do. My prayers go out to his family, it must of been a hard day for them.
The rest of your weekend sounds blissful, and to start and end your journey with your husband made me very happy for you.
Have a great day my friend....:-) Hugs

Wanda..... said...

Hello Joan...I once left Bernie a comment that never appeared...anyway I'm here reading it now...Sounds like you had an active but relaxing weekend...I imagine your gardens are more beautiful...sometimes I feel that I don't know what I'm doing...a few plants die for no reason or just don't grow well...That was a small fawn...I wish I could have taken more photos but they ran off quickly. I enjoy coming here as well Joan...Have a nice week!

Deerfriend said...

Garnetrose, thank you for your comment, yes it was a special time.

Deerfriend said...

As always Bernie, thank you for your kind words. I always look forward to hearing from you:)Warm Fuzzies

Deerfriend said...

Thank you Wanda, your gardens look so lovely to me. Your gardening abilities involve more than just plants. Your loving and gentle times spent with your Grandchildren and Family, your tenderness in your photography are all features of the truly great gardener that you are.
Warm Fuzzies:)

The Deerly Beloved

The Deerly Beloved
Garden Flowers-Yum!!!